Technological development in recent years in ultrasound has contributed to the evolution of imaging information provided by the ever-improving ultrasound machines, where, along with genetics tests, they have accelerated sufficiently the possibility of a perfect approach to the characteristics of the embryo. With the sophisticated ultrasonic ultrasound with three-dimensional imaging we are now able to make a three-dimensional imaging of the fetus within the woman's uterus giving a unique experience to the couple and doctors to a better anatomical damage evaluation of the fetus (lice, spine, abnormalities etc.). Besides, however, from the fetus images we take with the ultrasounds, we have the possibility to take pictures from the "embryonic unit" (trophoblast, amniotic fluid, embryo blood). From the material that we take from the "embryo-plant" we carry out the genetic TEST.
Genetic TESTs have made a significant contribution to the direction of the perfect approach to fetal characteristics.
New genes that concern a disease or predispose to a disease appear constantly, but also in known genes of various diseases, new mutations also arise continuously.
Today with the help of genetic tests to people suffering from a genetic disease, we can know the chances of transmission of the disease to the child before birth. This ability allows us to take measures that benefit the child after birth. At this point, we can refer to the problem of phenylketonuria.
Fetal Medicine, in addition to cases of inherited diseases, manages to inform about diseases and disabilities that are common in the population from the TEST genetic and population controls that we carry out and which aim at detecting these diseases. For example, to detect down-trisomy syndrome 21 we have to PAPP-A TEST and before this triple test.
This feature provides EMBROYMMETRIC MEDICS the prenatal tests 1rst depersonally (fetal ultrasonography, STUDY TRIBUNAL, ultrasound of VEPIPEDOU, DOTPLER 3rd trimester ultrasound) and 2nd genetically managing child health problems before birth creates a new environment responsibility to doctors, but also to future parents and those who are related to the health of the future child.
This "responsibility" in turn creates the necessity of knowledge. A knowledge that the embryo doctor attending pregnancy ought to share with future parents, in a way that is fully understood by them so that they can make responsible decisions.
The concern, of course, that has developed between obstetrician doctors - gynecologists and other health care categories related to the birth and growth of the child (Paediatricians, Molecular biologists, chemists, cytogenetics, midwives, social workers etc) is the connection that knowledge about the condition of the fetus could have with the responsibility of those involved in the child's birth (doctors, healthcare professionals, parents) and the autonomy of the individual to decide on the state of his or her own health and the child awaiting.